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Grenada Citizenship By


In August 2013, the Grenada Citizenship by Investment program was launched. IT was one of the recent Caribbean programs. The government’s objective of launching Grenada citizenship by investment is to boost economic growth via international investments.
Interested applicants for this program must be above the age of 18, have good conduct, and without a trace of criminality on record. In addition, interested applicants must invest in government-approved real estate or make a non-refundable donation to the National Transformation Fund (NTF).

Country Statistics

Grenada is an island full of fun and lots of beach life. It is nicknamed “Spice Isle.” It provides lots of beaches, sailing, hiking, diving and many more. The Grenada Citizenship program provides family security and visa-free travel to more than 120 countries, with the European Schengen region inclusive. The country operates a tax-free government, giving applicants a high choice for getting a second passport. The island of Grenada embraces individuals from all works of life to come to feel the life on its island. Qualified candidates and their family members can apply for a permanent
Grenadian passport and access eery benefits attached to its citizenship program.

Facts About Grenada

  • Grenada is a peaceful nation situated in the south-eastern Caribbean Sea, where there are lots of islands. The country is famous for its tropical setting, beaches, and stunning waterfalls. It is one of the most visited tourist destinations in the world. Many expatriates and second passport owners love the country.
  • The country is politically stable and has the Prime Minister as the head of the government.
  • The Island of Grenada is home to several Canadian banks and has standard and beneficial financial regulations.
  • Grenada is the second largest nutmeg producer across the world. Tourism is another source of the country’s revenue. It is a booster to the country’s population.
  • The island of Grenada is out of the hurricane belt, unlike some other islands situated in tropical regions.
  • Grenada is located at 12 degrees North of the Equator
  • The island is full of modern infrastructures and facilities, good roads, dependable electricity, and a steady communication network
  • Grenada is a member of the United Nations and the British Commonwealth
  • The legal system is based on English law and is well regarded.
  • The island often experiences seasonal climate changes; aside from that, it has a warm climate all around the year.
  • Grenada gets direct flights from New York, Miami, Toronto, and some other major cities across the globe.

Applicants can acquire new nationality and Grenada economic citizenship, worldwide movement, and family security through Grenada Citizenship by Investment. Our professionals are ready to assist you in getting your Grenada passport through the citizenship program.


Visa-free travel
Citizens of Grenada get visa-free and visa-on-arrival to more than 140 countries, including the UK, China, Singapore, Russia, Hong Kong, and the Schengen Region.

E-2 Investor Visa
Grenada citizenship by investment program, among other programs, is the only one that provides the chance to obtain an E-2 Investor Visa in the United States of America.

Smooth Procedure
The process for getting Grenada citizenship is smooth, and within 6 months, the citizenship application will be approved if every requirement is satisfied.

Tax Relief
The country enforces minimal taxation. Also, it has an exception of no tax on gifts, wealth, capital gains, and foreign income.

Minimal Residency Requirement
Dominica has no physical residency requirement. All interested applicants can apply directly.

Dual Citizenship Allowed
Having Dominican citizenship does not revoke the applicant’s original citizenship. Dual citizenship is permitted.


Dominica citizenship holders are entitled to visa-free and visa-on-arrival to more than 140 countries, including Hong Kong, The Schengen Area, Russia, Singapore, and the UK. In addition, along with great tax benefits, the Grenada citizenship by investment program, among other programs, is the only one that provides the chance to obtain an E-2 Investor Visa in the United States of America.

Applicants’ dependents and family are entitled to obtain visa-free or visa-on-arrival to these countries:

(Visa-free and visa-on-arrival countries)

  • Andorra
  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Argentina
  • Armenia
  • Austria
  • Bahamas
  • Bahrain
  • Bangladesh
  • Barbados
  • Belgium
  • Belize
  • Benin
  • Bolivia
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Botswana
  • Brazil
  • Bulgaria
  • Cambodia
  • Cape Verde
  • Chile
  • China
  • Colombia
  • Comoros
  • Costa Rica
  • Croatia
  • Cuba
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Djibouti
  • Dominica
  • Dominican Republic
  • Ecuador
  • Egypt
  • Estonia
  • Ethiopia
  • Fiji
  • Finland
  • France
  • Gabon
  • Gambia
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Guinea-Bissau
  • Guyana
  • Haiti
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • India
  • Indonesia
  • Iran
  • Ireland
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Jamaica
  • Jordan
  • Kenya
  • Kiribati
  • Kyrgyzstan
  • Laos
  • Latvia
  • Lesotho
  • Liechtenstein
  • Lithuania
  • Luxembourg
  • Madagascar
  • Malawi
  • Malaysia
  • Maldives
  • Malta
  • Mauritania
  • Mauritius
  • Micronesia
  • Moldova
  • Monaco
  • Montenegro
  • Mozambique
  • Nepal
  • Netherlands
  • Nicaragua
  • Norway
  • Palau
  • Panama
  • Peru
  • Philippines
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Qatar
  • Romania
  • Russia
  • Rwanda
  • Saint Kitts and Nevis
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Samoa
  • San Marino
  • Senegal
  • Seychelles
  • Singapore
  • Slovakia
  • Slovenia
  • Solomon Islands
  • Somalia
  • South Korea
  • Spain
  • Sri Lanka
  • Suriname
  • Swaziland
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Tajikistan
  • Tanzania
  • Tanzania
  • Timor-Leste
  • Togo
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Turkey
  • Tuvalu
  • Uganda
  • Ukraine
  • The United Kingdom and Crown dependencies
  • Uruguay
  • Vanuatu
  • Vatican City
  • Venezuela
  • Zambia
  • Zimbabwe


Document Screening
We assist you in screening your document in preparation for government approval. For this process to go smoothly, applicants are expected to make a down payment for opening the application. We will get a response within 48 hours.

Collection of Checklist Document
We have professionals who will assist you with collecting the proper documents needed by the government to process your citizenship application.

Submission of Application and Due Diligence Fees
At this stage, the application is submitted alongside the diligence fees. Also, your investment and government fees will be transferred into an authorized escrow account.

Diligence Report and Government Decision
The due diligence report is sent to the government for a check. Based on the
information in the report, the government will decide to grant the application or decline it. If the application is declined, the applicant will be refunded.

Issuance of Certificate and Passport
The applicant will be issued a citizenship certificate and passport ID when all
verifications are done. Then the balance of the professional fees will be settled.


Applicants have 2 options of investment to get an approval for their Grenada citizenship

1. Donation (NTF)
Single applicant – USD 150,000
An applicant with up to 3 dependents – USD 200,000
Additional dependent child up to 30 years of age – USD 25,000
Dependent parents aged under 65 – USD 50,000
Dependent parents aged over 65 – USD 25,000

2. Real Estate Investment
Investment in one of the government-approved real estate projects in any of these classes: hotel shares, freehold property with title deed, partial ownership, or land. The real estate investment is to hold for at least 4 years.
Minimum investment amount – USD 220,000

Government Fees
There are some other fees to be paid aside from the real estate investment:
Government Fees – USD 50,000
Additional child up to 30 years of age – USD 25,000
Dependent parents aged under 65 – USD 50,000
Dependent parents aged over 65 – USD 25,000

Processing and Application Fees
Both options have their specific costs for processing and applying, which are:
Processing fees per person – USD 1,500
Processing fees for dependents up to 18 years – USD 500
Processing fees for dependents aged 18+ – USD 1,500
Application fees per person – USD 1,500

Due Diligence and Background Investigations
Some necessary background investigations are payable to the government choice due diligence agency using Interpol, World-Check, and international government agencies to assist in screening applicants according to their application information.
Due Diligence per person – USD 5,000
Due Diligence for children aged 0-16 – No Charge
Due Diligence for children aged 17-30 – USD 5,000
Due Diligence for dependent parents – USD 5,000

Notwithstanding, our professional fees, certificate of Citizenship, passport, official application forms, and other disbursements are the only charges inclusive of the cost. A detailed quotation without any hidden charge will be made available.


The duration of 6 months is the specified timeframe for the application process. However, the initial duration of document collection could be a bit longer depending on how fast the applicant provides the required documents. We are fully on the ground to assist our client (applicant) pass-through this stage faster with samples and professional advice.

The duration of the renewal stage depends on the availability of the agency that would handle it. We have no regulation over this particular process. However, we assure you that we work with the best Government agencies to hasten the entire process and make our client (applicant) get quick approval.


  • Must be 18+
  • Good health condition
  • No record of criminal Act
  • Clean due diligence investigation
  • Government granted approval
  • Verified source of investment
  • Reside in the country for 5 days within 5 years of initiating the application
  • Spouse of the applicant
  • Biological or adopted adult children below the age of 30
  • Dependent parents

*Note that parents and children above 18 are dependent on the applicant.

Legal Groundwork

According to the ‘ Citizenship by Investment, the country’s legislation supports
Grenada’s Citizenship by Investment Act 15, 2013′. The national parliament has approved and documented the law, which is published as part of the laws of Grenada. The law states that any individual can apply for naturalization in Grenada. Therefore, this same applicant may be eligible for citizenship because the applicant meets the necessary criteria for becoming a citizen by investment.
This Act permits the investment to be made in any of these options:

Option one is contributing to the National Transformation Fund. This is for the
development support of Grenada resources for the betterment of Grenadians.
The second option is investing in a government-approved real estate project. A
committee set by the Minister in charge will have to review, recommend and approve this investment before it comes into being.

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